
Saumya Singh
3 min readSep 19, 2020

IP address is the link to the World !

Well all know a little about IP addresses, how they form a way for interaction between sender and receiver. Each device on your network has a private IP address only seen by other devices on the local network. But your ISP assigns you a public IP address that other devices on the Internet can see.

Private addresses include IP addresses from the following subnets:

  • Range from to — a network with a or an /8 (8-bit) mask
  • Range from to — a network with a (or a 12-bit) mask
  • A to range, which is a network masked by or /16
  • A special range to with a or /10 network mask; this subnet is recommended according to rfc6598 for use as an address pool for CGN (Carrier-Grade NAT)

IP address, can say that is a dialect of the communication world of computers. With passage of time the requirement and need of people is constantly increasing in terms of speed, efficiency and security.

The more people move towards technology, more the devices are increasing and with the increase in device, machine and users, the current Internet Protocol IPv4 is running out of room to accommodate all of the unique IP addresses required for the world’s growing number of connected devices.

So to resolve this issue IPv6 is a new Protocol that increases the number of possible unique IP addresses from 4.3 billion to 340 trillion-trillion-trillion.

Well, according to my reading I came across that never we will need to abruptly or fully stop using IPv4, rather IPv4 and IPv6 can co-exist. “Migration from the IPv4 to IPv6 instantly will be impossible due to huge size of the Internet considering the larger number of IPv4 users. However, a lot of companies are becoming more and more dependent on the Internet for their daily work, and they therefore cannot tolerate downtime for the replacement of the IP protocol. Having considered investigation reports related to the exhaustion of IPv4 address, investigation is made on when to immigrate from IPv4 to IPv6 and considering the risk of migration. As a result, there will not be one special day on which IPv4 will be turned off and IPv6 turned on because the two protocols can coexist without any problems Amer Nizar (2014).”

In the nearest future, it is certain that IPv6 will take over IPv4, as the core network layer protocol for next generation networks. In recent past, it has been proposed that everything on the universe will be assigned IP address via IPv6 address.

Lastly, few questions to be pondered on…

  1. Why is the . assigned in the IP addresses?
  2. Will IP address change with location?
  3. Is every 4 byte digit can be assigned as IP?

LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/ssaumyaa7/

For now that’s all people… Thank You 😊

